Wood Pellet Fireplace Options

One of the more environmentally friendly ways to reduce reliance on fossil fuels is to heat with wood instead. To that end, using a wood pellet fireplace or wood pellet stove to heat your home is not only convenient but also satisfying knowing that you are doing your bit to help reduce global warming.

Unlike the more conventional wood fireplaces, these types are automatic in that the wood pellets are fed from a storage hopper into the fire, which in turn causes warm air to circulate. The heat output can be adjusted manually or controlled completely hands free with the use of a thermostat.

Existing chimneys can be used with pellet fireplaces although you will likely need a pellet stove insert fitted. However, it is not essential to have an existing fireplace since some fireplace inserts are zero clearance. This means that the pellet fireplace can sit right next to framing or any other interior surface without causing a fire hazard. To do this the fireplace contains a means of controlling the surface temperature of the exterior casing in order to keep it cool. Zero clearance is an ideal choice when installing as part of a new construction or renovation project.

Wood Pellet Fireplace Insert
Several companies have inserts that will help to convert your fireplace, such as the Whitfield pellet stove insert, which creates everything you need to enjoy a wood pellet fireplace. If there is an existing masonry or metal fireplace, then there are many easy and attractive ways to bring new life to it. There are wood, gas and pellet burning fireplace inserts that will fit into almost any traditional fireplace opening.

Overall, pellet fireplaces stoves can be installed into almost any home situation. There has been an increase in the number of companies that sell a vent free fireplace, which in turn has lead to them becoming very popular. Equipped with such things as a remote control and a variable flame height adjustment, most make it possible to control the speed of your assembly blower as well. Although some allow you to turn the unit on from a wall switch, actual flame adjustment must still be carried out manual via the valve on the fireplace and not with any type of a remote device.

Traditional wood fireplaces have always held a special place in the heart and mind of many, as the ambiance and warmth from the flickering flames just seems natural. Nevertheless, the standard fireplaces have come under increased scrutiny during the last few years due to their output of carbon and the pollution caused by the particles that are in the smoke.

Fortunately for us, the wood pellet fireplace is one of the results of the evolving wood fireplace that helps to mitigate some of the problems, including the air pollution. Of course, part of the allure of a traditional fireplace is that ambiance that folks are afraid of losing, yet some of the pellet varieties have features that are designed to enhance the product, such as an adjustable flame height and heat output, which are reminiscent of the traditional fireplace.